Cheryl hits back at the HATERZ over Liam Payne romance

Here come the mean girls, apparently.

cheryl liam

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Cheryl (Mrs Cheryl? seems to have taken a swipe at people who have been hating on her romance with One Direction's Liam Payne.

Taking to Instagram, which is a method of expression we thoroughly approve of BTW, Cheryl’s posted a message that appears to ask for support from her fellow women.

Amen to that, Chez!

Some 1D fans have been foaming at the mouth over Cheryl’s relationship with toy boy Liam, which could be the inspiration behind her post.

Cheryl has also responded to claims that she was on a romantic date with Liamon Wednesday night, saying:

Yeah, sorry about that, Chez.

We LOVE that she’s “we’d” Liam though. It must be serious!

In our face, doubters / haters. In your face.

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