Cheryl posts bizarre snap to Instagram

What could it mean for her and Liam Payne?

Cheryl on a date with Liam Payne

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

What's THE relationship that's dominated 2016 so far?

No, not Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell.

Or Megan McKenna and Pete Wicks.

Come on, you know. The BIG one. The SHOCK one. The - oh, OK, it's Mrs Cheryl and Liam Payne.

The two have embarked on a true love thang and we are, honestly, very happy for them as they both seem so, well, happy.

Cheryl and Liam Payne
Cheryl and Liam Payne ©Instagram

But now Cheryl has posted a new snap to her Instagram and we are tearing our hair out about what it could mean.

Cheryl and Liam like to tease us over social media about their relationship, so this must mean something.

In the snap, Cheryl is seen with a halo as she is our beautiful angel of the north.

And with big blue eyes because... Blue was for boys in the past.

It's captioned, "Finally got my halo" which is OBVIOUSLY a reference to Liam, come on.

That bit's easy.

Maybe Liam will post a companion soon. But will he cast himself as another angel or as a devil or as something else entirely that we'll read something into?

Ooh, exciting times.

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