Chloe Ferry has a MAJOR hair makeover

Kylie, is that you?

Chloe Ferry

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Chloe Ferry is pretty practiced in the art of major transformations, and her latest could be her most mega one yet.

She posted a pic of herself rocking a new platinum blonde 'do (just days after Kylie Jenner did the same, funnily enough) with the caption: "Toon."

Chloe Ferry

But we are a little suspicious. Firstly – who on earth can get plaits that perfect? It must be a wig. Secondly – you can see her hairline. It's definitely a wig.

We're fairly sure it's a wig.

Looks pretty good though.

In other Geordie Shore news, Scotty T might be a LEAVING the show for his "secret" girlfriend Francesca Toole.

Because we ALL know that being in a relationship and in that house doesn't mix (just ask Gary Beadle and Lillie Lexie Gregg).

And James Tindale. Lol.

Franscesca posted a tweet saying they were going away together, and Scotty replied with an aubergine. Sweet.

It was Jeremy McConnell (of all people) who outed him as having a girlfriend, saying on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side earlier this year: "There’s this girl he’s seeing that he likes, but his job is to have sex and be on TV.

"You can’t have a girlfriend when you’re doing a job like that."

Scotty said: "It’s so hard because it’s like, do I make the decision to commit or do I continue and further my career?

"I don’t want to go out and pull other girls – I’ve been there and done that…

"[I would marry her] if I wasn’t away and always in Newcastle," he told Now magazine in May.

Plz don't leave us, Scotty :(

Maybe he'll find a new princess in his brand new pantomime career? Which you can totally audition for, BTW.

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