Chloe Khan defends her x-rated CBB antics

It's safe to say that this series just may be the sauciest yet

Chloe Khan Celebrity Big Brother

by Hannah Mellin |
Published on

So saucy that there is even a petition toBAN the entire show) as some viewers have been disgusted by the amount of nakedness that has been aired on the show.

Anyone want to give us an update about how that petition's going? Not very well we guess?

To be fair, Chloe and Bear delivered the weirdest and grossest sexual encounters that we have ever seen on television and we've seen every single episode Geordie Shore and Ex On The Beach...

CBB: ALL the latest news, gossip and most shocking moments

Chloe Khan Celebrity Big Brother

And since Chloe Khan got given the boot on Friday's evicition, she's been speaking to the press about about all the tongue action, boob flashing and 'dirty grinding' that went on.

Guess what? She's hashtag sorry not sorry.

Speaking to Daily Star, Chloe quipped: "I don’t feel like I was that X-rated in there.

"Everyone did a pole dance."

Er, did they Chloe? Did they do it naked with their hair draped over their boobs like a mermaid?

"And the reason I was topless is because I was in the shower and I got called to the diary room and ran out with my hair over my boobs."

Well at least she's honest.

This all comes after Chloe admitted that she's been recieving endless death threats on social media as soon as she left the house. Not cool, guys, not cool at all.

Chloe also honestly admitted that she has no regrets about getting fruity with Bear in the house.

"You kind of forget the cameras are there. You think that when there’s nobody in the room that nobody can see you. It was just like real life.

“I didn’t want to go in and do that. I really didn’t want to. I never expected myself to do that."

You'll be pleased to know that Bear is still causing carnage in Chloe's absence as he's pissed the WHOLE house off again by pouring tomato soup and chopped tomatoes all over the bathroom.

Chloe Khan Celebrity Big Brother

At least he's consistent eh.

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