Chloe Khan wants to have a threesome with Amber Rose and Blac Chyna

There's a sentence we never thought we'd say

Blac Chyna Amber Rose

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Ever since Chloe Khan got with Stephen Bear all over da CBB house (including the loo) and played a part in making the house so pornographic that it was subject to an actual campaign trying to actually ban it, we've been kinda fascinated by her sex life.

Chloe Khan Celebrity Big Brother

Is she gonna bang Stephen Bear (possibly for a second time)? Is she gonna bang Jason Burrill?

BEAR'S DAD? (Yeah, probably not)

Chloe Khan

But it appears we were way off with our line of questioning, as she's expressed interest in a three way with Blac Chyna and Amber Rose (of all people).

She tweeted: "Everyone telling me who they think I am/ should be dating . F*ck I just want a 3way relationship with @DaRealAmberRose and @BLACCHYNA 2M2A?"


We wonder how long she's been holding in this information.

Obviously this would be a fantastic thing to happen and more of an interesting news story than Cheryl and Liam Payne and Tay Tay V Kimye PUT TOGETHER, but we don't reckon her chances.

Firstly, there's the geographical thing – they're in LA and Chloe is in rainy old Blighty.

And then there's the whole 'Blac Chyna is very heavily pregnant' thing, which probably isn't the best state to be in for a threesome with Amber Rose and a random English reality star.

We just don't think it's meant to be.

We are still holding onto the tiniest strands of hope that there could be further romance on the cards for Chloe and Bear.

He uploaded a pic of her in very racy underwear last week with the caption "Can’t wait to see this girl #perfection," but he's since DELETED it.

Plus, he's been skipping around the country holding hands with Lacey Fuller and sharing hotel rooms with Jemma Lucy.

So our hope is dwindling :(.

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