Chloe and Marnie’s night out in lap dancing club: Chloe seriously breaks the girl code

Blimey, ladies.

Chloe Etherington and Marnie Simpson from Geordie Shore

by Georgina Terry |
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If there’s one thing we’ve always admired about the Geordie Shore ladies it’s that they’re not shy about expressing their sexuality.

That and their ability to down non-brand vodka ‘til it comes out of their ears (drink responsibly, everyone).

And so it comes as no surprise that show newbie Chloe Etherington and not-so-newbie-but-still-kinda-newbie Marnie Simpson enjoyed a night out in a lap-dancing club at the weekend.

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Chlo and Marns headed for a night on the Toon at Newcastle strip club Blue Velvet with their pal Chelsea Ferguson – who was recently banned from Snapchat for posting a full frontal nudey snap. Cor.

But did the ladies enjoy their night? Erm, looks that way.

It’s like beautiful poetry.

In related news: could a Geordie Shore bust up be on the cards?

We note that Chloe has been indulging in some top level bantz with Bear ‘Stephen’ Bear on Twitter.

Bear, ex-squeeze of ex-Geordie Shore star Vicky Pattison who he met on Ex On The Beach (keep up), is currently involved in a social media WAR with Vicky, so Chloe befriending him and suggesting a night out is a little non-girl code, no?

Chloe pet, you’re a braver woman than us.

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