OMG Christina Aguilera daughter, Summer Rain Rutler is uber adorable on the latest cover of PEOPLE! magazine. Just look at the massive grin, what a cutie.
The 34-year-old shared the cover of the magazine, where she appears planting a kiss on Summer's face, to her 14+ million Twitter followers.
Chrissy even told the US mag how she is at 'a loss for words' and is 'spellbound' by motherhood. The Dirty hitmaker told the publication: “I was speechless.
“She was literally like an angel … We had an immediate calm bond, and I felt unexplainably connected to her and her spirit.”
Chrissy spoke of the joy her now 6-month-old has brought her and fiance Matt Rutler: “Her smile lights up a room and I know it melts mama and daddy’s hearts.
“She laughs a ton and is easy to make smile. She just wants to be where the action is!”

Christina gave birth to Summer after a Caesarian section, she revealed on Twitter August 18 last year.
According to Popdust, Christina was booked in at a deluxe birthing suite at LA’s premiere hospital Cedars Sinai the Saturday before surgery and was whisked off to theatre shortly after for her C-section.
She arrived with Matt at 8am and spent the next couple of days introducing baby Summer to her other child, six-year-old son Max.
Christina and Matt met on the set of her 2010 film Burlesque – a year after her divorce from first husband Jordan Bratman was finalised – and announced their engagement on Valentine’s Day this year.
The Voice judge also said she won’t be returning for the sixth season of the US reality show as she wants to spend time with her growing family and concentrate on her own music career.
She's beautiful Chrissy - we are a little bit in love!