Why it’s cool to be a Belieber now. Bravo, Justin Bieber. Bravo

Because if you didn’t love him before, you certainly do now…

Justin Bieber

by Francesca Battson |
Published on

Justin Bieber had started his career as a cute, somewhat annoying, pop superstar, but over the years had quickly gained a bad reputation for himself. Until the end of 2015 when all was restored, and Justin became everyone’s favourite guilty pleasure. And no one was ashamed to admit it.

It was no longer cool to use Justin as a way to make fun of someone, and if you said a bad word against him, you would probably be getting daggers from everyone in the room.

So what changed in 2015 that made him turn his publicity around, and get the world onside again? Apart from the fact he suddenly got really, really, REALLY hot…

Justin Bieber album cover

For the first couple of years in his career, Justin made a mega amount of money, but his clean-cut baby look just wasn’t the image he wanted to portray anymore. So he did what most other celebrities do, and went a bit cray-cray.

After 2012, he stopped making music and started making headlines, as he wanted to be treated like an adult, and not the little Baby singer that threw him into the limelight.

So of course, he did the mature thing and started egging houses, peeing in buckets, called Anne Frank a Belieber, was charged with drunk-driving whilst street-racing, and was arrested again for assault. Nice one, Biebs. Real mature…

Justin had become so hated, that a petition was signed by over 200,000 people to deport him from America. Ouch.

We then entered the new year of 2015, and we all thought we’d see more bad-boy antics from the singer. Oh how wrong we were.

In January, Saturday Night Live ripped into Justin, and in March Comedy Central aired the Roast Of Justin Bieber, where he definitely got burnt.

However, Justin made it through the roasting without losing it, and ended the show with this speech: "There was really no preparing myself for this life. I was thrown into this when I was 12 years old and I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. There's been moments I'm proud of and a lot of moments I look back on and I'm pretty disappointed in myself for. But the things that I've done don't really define who I am. I'm a kind-hearted person who loves people. And through it all, I've lost some of my best qualities. For that I'm sorry."

Justin has been trying to apologise and transform himself into a different person ever since, through the power of good msuic, amongst other things...

  • Although it was actually released in February, Where Are Ü Now went mainstream in April and did pretty well in the charts.

  • What Do You Mean? was released in August and reached Number One in many countries.

  • After performing What Do Ü Mean? at the VMAs in August, Justin broke down in tears because of the surprising support he’d received. Bless.

  • In October, Justin released Sorry, which again made Number One in countries worldwide.

  • He released his first album in three years in October, with three singles from the album still high up in the charts. And they’re still doing really well across the world now.

  • Love Yourself was Justin’s final song of 2015 released in December, which followed in the footsteps of his previous singles.

Aside from the music, his headlines became less ‘idiot-boy’ a lot more ‘seriously-hot-bloke’ including that leaked picture of his, let’s be honest, rather large manhood. But he also showed a softer side (pun intended), when he told the UK to download the NHS Choir single to make it the Christmas Number One. N’aww.

Justin Bieber tweet Xmas no 1 NHS

Justin finally received the adult image he was after, and he’s apologised - several times actually, if you count the number of mentions in his wonderful, aptly named single, Sorry.

Well done Biebs, you’ve won the hearts of the world, and you can safely say that 2015 was the year everybody actually liked you. Let’s just hope he continues down this road in 2016, too.


Justin Bieber Calvin Klein

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