Courtney Stodden is PREGNANT with on-off husband Doug Hutchison’s baby

courtney stodden pregnant husband doug hutchison

by Emmeline Saunders |
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Celebrity Big Brother star Courtney Stodden is pregnant with her first baby – and the father is her on-off husband Doug Hutchison.

The couple are coming up to their fifth wedding anniversary, having got married in 2011 when Courtney was just 16 and Doug was 50.

In a statement, Courtney revealed that she's only four weeks along and hadn't been planning on going public with her news just yet.

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"It's a bittersweet time for me right now. I'm dealing with a lot of stress and emotions surrounding life and its ups and downs," she said.

"Doug and I weren't planning on going public with this so soon. I'm only four weeks along in my pregnancy. But some things are out of your control."

It comes as Courtney and her mum, Krista, feud publicly over claims Krista made about having an emotional affair with Doug.

courtney stodden pregnant husband doug hutchison

They even appeared on a US TV show, The Mother/Daughter Experiment, to address the cracks in their relationship, but ended up fighting even more.

"I hate to say that we're in a worse place now than we were before we started, but we're just not in a good place right now... Unfortunately, not much has been healed," Courtney said recently.

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"There's a lot of toxic energy in that relationship that I have with my mom. It's also difficult to watch her... I don't want to say I'm embarrassed for her, but it's truly difficult to watch her in therapy."

But, Courtney went on, the problems in her marriage with Doug have been solved, as she added: "It's been a crazy ride, obviously, but I'm feeling really awesome in my marriage.

courtney stodden pregnant husband doug hutchison

"Doug and I are getting ready to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary on May 20, so we're doing really well."

Congratulations to Courtney and Doug!

Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden's relationship in pictures


Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden: Their relationship in pictures and quotes

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