Cruz Beckham wants to collaborate with Ed Sheeran and Calvin Harris

This genuinely might happen, too

cruz beckham

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Usually when an 11-year-old says they want to collaborate with Ed Sheeran and Calvin Harris, you pat them on the head and push them a bit further in the vocational subjects at school.

When it's Cruz Beckham, son of David Beckham and Victoria Beckham, who has already released his first single 'If Every Day Was Christmas', then it's something that could actually happen.

After releasing his single on Capital FM to glittering critical acclaim - who hates on an 11-year-old singing a Christmas song? - Cruz revealed on Capital's Evening Show that he'd like to broaden his music career out a little bit beyond festive tunes.

When asked by DJ Roman Kemp if he'd like to collaborate with Calvin Harris, who he's already met in the past with his family, he replied: "Definitely."

Cruz went on to say that if he could do a song with one artist it would be Ed Sheeran.

"I just love all of his songs. If anyone picked one of the songs, I’d just love it. And I love how he plays the acoustic guitar like me."

Fair enough - Cruz is already a contender for Christmas Number 1, with the the odds shortening to 7/1, which is fourth favourite. Not bad.

It also turns out that he's a fan of his mum's old songs too! "Yeah I love all of her old stuff. I remember when I was five years old I think, I was dancing on stage to one of her tunes."

People have speculated that we might be looking at the British Justin Bieber (the song is pretty catchy, and he definitely has the cuteness factor), but others have expressed concern that maybe Cruz is a little young to exposed to the music industry.

Fame is, after all, not renowned for being kind to those who start young (see: every child star you can think of).

Always quick to have an opinion, Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan said: "It’s not his fault – he’s 11. But how did he manage to release this? It’s sickening. He should be at school, poor kid."

Former teen idol Kavana – who found fame at 16 and is writing a memoir called Smashed Hits spoke out to The Sun about Cruz's career: "It is a bit strange to put Cruz in the public eye at such a young age. You are offered everything on a plate in that pop world – booze, drugs.

"Everybody is your best friend and you don’t know who to trust. I made some wrong decisions and I learned my lesson the hard way."

Fingers crossed Victoria and David keep him on the straight and narrow!

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