Cutest couple EVER! George Clooney and wife Amal adopt a dog from animal shelter

Welcome to the family Millie!


by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

George and Amal Clooney have a new addition to their family and her name is Millie.

Millie is a four-year-old Basset Hound and the couple rescued her from San Gabriel Valley Humane Society shelter earlier today.

The shelter revealed the news on their Facebook page, alongside: "ADOPTED! Millie was adopted by George Clooney and his wife Amal!! Millie, a bassett hound, now has a new brother named Louie who is also a rescue! Congratulations and thank you for adopting!!"


George and his wife 'were searching for a basset hound and saw Millie’s picture on Petfinder' according to the shelter's website.

ADOPTED! Millie was adopted by George Clooney and his wife Amal!! Millie, a bassett hound, now has a new brother named Louie who is also a rescue! Congratulations and thank you for adopting!! > >

Posted by [San Gabriel Valley Humane Society]( on [Wednesday, 28 October 2015](

Millie joins the couple's Cocker Spaniel Louie, who was also a pooch the pair rescued. What lovely samaritans.

"They did a 'meet and greet' with her and spent time introducing her to their other rescue," added the website.

"It was good news that Millie and Louie hit it off and the happy, new family headed home together!"

Can we come over and play with the new doggies, George and Amal? Pleeease?

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