Sometimes you've just got to capture those special milestone moments. For some, it's when they get engaged. For others, it's Christmas dinner with the family. For Danniella Westbrook, it's getting her vagina operated on.
Yes, the actress and reality star Snapchatted herself getting lasered down there, in a quest for a designer vagina.

Not only do the Snapchats feature the professional doing the lasering giving her a thumbs up, as well as a celebratory "All done!" pic, but Danniella also dropped a bit of a relationship bombshell too. Because what better way to tell your fans that your ex has been calling you, than via Snapchat while your vag is lasered?
Yep, turns out her ex-boyfriend, George Arnold, has been calling her - as Danniella snapchatted a screenshot showing five missed calls, with the words "Seriously... Just when life is going good... my phone starts blowing up".

This will concern Danniella's mates no doubt, because the last time her and George split up (after her stint on Celebrity Big Brother), Danniella said she suffered a bad drugs relapse and even multiple suicide attempts.
Speaking on This Morning at the time, the star said: "I spiralled into a depression after Big Brother. I had the best time in there. I came out so excited to get back on my feet.
"This happened and I haven’t been able to work. This has spiralled me into a depression, and I split from my boyfriend too. 'I tried to overdose a lot when George walked out."
But in recent months, Danniella seems to be on the up - fingers crossed both her life in general and, erm, her vagina continue this way. Maybe next time she can film herself at the park or something?