Danniella Westbrook has posted a picture of herself looking worryingly thin following news that she’s lost her home and ended up in sheltered housing.
The actress claims that the stress of recent months has led her to lose two stone and she’s now a size 6.
Sounding pleased about her weight loss, Danniella tweeted: “One good thing about stress is weight loss down to a size 6. #Somethingtosmileabout” We’re not sure it is something to smile about, Danniella.

Danniella went public about her struggles last week following a tough year that saw her split from husband of 12 years, Kevin Jenkins, be admitted to rehab for three months for cocaine addiction and lose her home.
Speaking to This Morning, Danniella said: “This year has been the worst year of my life. I’ve lost all work, we’re in a bedsit, I go to food banks… I messed up.
“I have to say, I thought that nearly losing my life was the worst point of my life, but I think that this year has been the worse year that I’ve ever had.”
Tweeting earlier today, Danniella is showing plenty of fighting spirit writing, “You never know how strong you are until strength is the only choice you have…”