Is David Beckham joining Twitter for his 40th birthday?

PLEASE let this rumour be true

David Beckham

by Lauren Smith |
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Victoria Beckham is a big tweeter - she even made the term "fashion bunnies" happen. But her husband David has so far stayed off the social networking site. He's all over Facebook and Instagram, but for some reason, Golden Balls has previously left tweeting to VB.

That's all set to change though, if rumours flying around the internet are to be believed. According to The Mirror, Becks is planning to launch his Twitter account during his 40th birthday celebrations in Marrakech.

David is said to be joined by 60 of his closest friends (including BFF Dave Gardner, and his Dad, Ted) for lavish celebrations at the fiercely guarded five-star Amanjena resort. And he'll be supposedly documenting the whole thing on Twitter so we get a load of serious FOMO.

A source told the tabloid: “While Victoria’s been a fan for a while, David has never really seen the point of it. But after Elton John and David FurnishInstagrammed their recent wedding, he had the idea to do something similar on his birthday".

Expected celeb guests include Gordon and Tana Ramsay, James Corden, Tom Cruise, Eva Longoria and Gary Neville. But Becks won't be tweeting once the party gets REALLY raucous.

“Clearly he won’t be posting all that goes on - especially after midnight - but he thought his 40th marked the perfect time to experiment with something new with regards to Brand Beckham" the source added.

So we will probably see snaps of the £800, specially commissioned personalised cake VB has got for the birthday boy. And the "authentic Moroccan" menu. But it's unlikely we'll see anyone hammered on Sake - which is reportedly the booze Victoria loves, and has ordered to be drunk at dinner.

So far only Victoria has been tweeting about the birthday bash - here's what she'll be wearing:

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