This year has been a GREAT year for bands trying to regroup. Not only did Busted put together a truly humongous comeback, but the Spice Girls revealed that they were getting back together so we bought Spice World: The Movie on DVD and haven’t stopped watching it since.
Granted, we cried for a week when we realised that Victoria Beckham and Mel C won’t be a part of it but STILL.
And now we are hearing such wonderfully exciting rumours of another reunion that we literally can’t contain ourselves.
Apparently, the biggest girl band of the noughties are maybe – we really hope – coming back to give us the sweet, sweet music we’ve been missing for far too long.
Sorry, Las Ketchup fans, we aren’t talking about them. Although that song really does make us nostalgic for school discos.

We’re talking about Destiny’s Child, OF COURSE.
The band set up a brand spanking new Instagram, and even though there’s only four pics to boast they already have almost 33,000 followers AND they’ve got themselves one of the revered blue ticks.
So there’s no question that it’s legit.
But what does it all mean? Are they simply wanting to remember how well they wore beige clothes? Is Bey looking for some style inspo from herself? Or are they flaunting the pics of their abs to make us feel guilty about the kilo of cheesy chips we ate on Saturday night?
Because we regret NOTHING.

Well, actually, fans reckon that their Insta presence is an indication that they’re planning to get back together in time for their 20th anniversary.
We know – it’s apparently been TWENTY WHOLE YEARS.
The account says it’s run by Legacy Recordings, an umbrella company of Sony Music Entertainment, so some are guessing that it’s purely to promote some sort of Greatest Hits album or something of the like.
Either way, we’re SOLD.