WWho else has spent the last few days swooning at those extremely handsome pictures of Dev Patel looking all suave in his Burberry suit on the Academy Award's red carpet?

It takes all our willpower to avert our gaze for just a few minutes. Sigh.
We've been in love with Dev ever since his Skins days; where he landed the role of the loveable and dopey Anwar Kharral with no previous acting experience.
And now Dev's winning BAFTAs, hitting the Oscar's red carpet with his mum AND scoring an Oscar nomination for Best Actor In A Supporting Role for his portrayal of Saroo Brierley in Lion.
He even melted a billion hearts after his ADORBZ reaction to his teeny tiny 8-year-old co-star Sunny Panwar getting Lion-kinged during the ceremony.
So, so cute.
Now here comes the bad news - Dev Patel is no longer a lone ranger.
He's gone and got himself a girlfriend!
It's been reported that London-based Dev, 26, is now dating his Hotel Mumbai co-star Austrailian actress Tilda Cobham-Hervey, and the pair have been pictured holding hands whilst walking in L.A.
They were also snapped hanging out together in Mumbai six weeks ago, taking time out of their hectic filming schedule to go and grab some sweet treats.
Plus, Dev's mum has also been photographed with the couple, so that definitely means that they must be the real deal.
Or they're just reeeeeeally good pals.
We doubt it.
Who could possibly be able to resist Dev's devishly good looks?