We have many questions in life; some of which we may never truly know the answer to. What's the meaning of life? Can you cry under water? Do penguins have knees?
Well now we finally have a definitive conclusion to one of the world's greatest mysteries. Why do Diet Coke and the Coca-Cola Zero Sugar equivalent taste sobloody different and, er, what's th point in 'em both?
Yup - it's all down to one single ingredient, and we're here to put you out of your misery.
According to Coca-Cola's official site: "Both drinks are sugar free and calorie free. Coca-Cola Zero Sugar looks and tastes more like Coca-Cola Classic, while Diet Coke has a different blend of flavours which gives it a lighter taste."
So what's the ingredient that makes them taste so different, then? The Mirror reckons it's actually citric acid - which is only in the Diet Coke variety - with Coca-Cola Zero Sugar instead using sodium citrate to emulate that classic 'full fat' Coca-Cola taste sans sugar.
Mind blown.