Pretty much every person in the whole entire world has been hooked on BBC One’s Doctor Foster. OK, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but Twitter has been living for it – particularly after last night’s epic series finale.
Although, there has been mixed reactions to the ending.
Some fans were left a little, erm, disheartened by the direction the show went in and we’re not best pleased by the outcome of Gemma and Simon Foster’s bitter feud.
Is it weird we’re a little annoyed no one died?
In the end, viewers watched on as Gemma and Simon’s son Tom up and left after having had just about enough of all his parents’ drama. We don’t blame ya, Tom, they were pretty crappy parents.

But, IRL, the actor who plays broken and damaged Tom Foster looks vastly different. Mainly due to his big mop of bleach blonde hair.
The 16-year-old actor - also called Tom, weirdly - recently revealed his blonde mop on Instagram.
Isn’t he adorbz?

Viewers were shocked recently when Bertie Carvel, who plays evil Simon, appeared on TV sans his character’s signature facial hair.
We almost had to double take when we saw him beard-free on the This Morning sofa.

In other Doctor Foster news, fans will be bitterly disappointed to hear a third series is very unlikely.
Despite the show ending on a big ol’ cliffhanger, it looks like we’ll never know what happens to Tom - because the BBC have seemingly said there won’t be a series 3.
The BBC wrote on Twitter: "Gone... but never ever forgotten. Thank you for joining us for #DoctorFoster."