Stefano Gabbana dubs Elton John an ‘ignorant idiot’ for his outrage at “synthetic” IVF babies comments

Was that meant to be an apology?

Elton John Dolce and Gabbana

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Stefano Gabbana has dubbed Elton John "ignorant" and said he no longer thinks the singer is intelligent, after launching a campaign to boycott the Dolce and Gabbana fashion brand, following their comments calling IVF babies "synthetic"

Speaking to Italian publication, Panorama, the fashion designers had said that they were against "chemical offsprings and rented uterus", and that "children of chemistry" are "synthetic children". Adding: "You are born to a mother and a father. Or at least that's how it should be."


Now they've gone on to slam Elton John and dismiss the idea that his #BoycottDolceGabbana with have any effect on their brand, speaking to Italian newspaper, Corriere Della Sera, they said:

"I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't expecting it from someone like Elton John. I used to think - and I stress 'used to' - [think he] was intelligent," said Gabbana.

"What's going on? You preach understanding. You preach tolerance. And then you put the knife in? All because someone else doesn't see things your way? Is that supposed to be a democratic way of thinking?

"Enlightened? He’s ignorant, in the sense that he denies ways of seeing things that may not be his but are just as deserving of respect”.

"We might lose one or two Elton John fans, or gain one or two mums. Who knows?"

Elton John
Elton John

Elton John took to Instagram after the designers initial comments, he posted:

"How dare you refer to my beautiful children as "synthetic". "And shame on you for wagging your judgemental little fingers at IVF - a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfil their dream of having children.

"Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever again. #BoycottDolceGabbana."

The magazine with the interview that sparked the row

Elton's furious social media post was in repsonse to these comments by the iconic designers in *Panorama, *where Dolce said creating children must be "an act of love".

"We oppose gay adoptions," they told the publication.

"The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offsprings and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed

"You are born to a mother and a father – or at least that's how it should be. I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Uteri [for] rent, semen chosen from a catalog."

Elton - who has two children with his husband David Furnish - since posted a cute snap of him and his kids along with the caption #ShareTheLove.


Expect more furious comments from him once he sees Gabbana's latest idiotic quotes.

Elton John and David Furnish's wedding


Elton John and David Furnish wedding December 2014

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Elton and David's son's shoes

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