We don’t think you’re ready! Destiny’s Child biopic ‘coming soon’

Because they're survivors, they're not gon' give up, they're gon' make it...


by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

Their last album - Destiny Fulfilled - was released in 2004, so what makes Matthew Knowles think Destiny's Child will make a comeback?

Destiny F-u-l-f-i-l-l-e-d - says it all really - after almost two decades, plenty of lineup changes, the ladies well and truly satisfied their duties as R'n'B queens. Although we'd love to see more. Obvs.

But now, the girl group's manager (and Beyonce's dad, who no longer representives Bey) Matthew Knowles revealed to The Huffington Post that his daughter, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams WILL make a comeback.

"I am extremely hopeful that the ladies will come back with an album and a tour," he said.

"I'm working on a few Destiny's Child projects right now."

Queen Bey's dad.
Queen Bey's dad.

Dad Knowles also revealed that he's coming out with a second book which will be all about DC's journey to success.

Shocker, the 63-year-old is also planning a possible DC FILM and TV show. Somehow we don't see Queen Bey doing that, Do you?

Earlier this year, the trio recently reunited for the Stellar Gospel Music Awards and performed Say Yes at the Las Vegas show, proving their still very good friends and awesome as a band.

Recently Michelle spoke about the bond she has with the girls, and The Hollywood Reporter: "I have their back and they have mine. They have showed themselves to be loyal to me time after time.

"They have proven they are my sisters time and time again."

So, will they? Won't they?

Nicole Richie's 10 best Instagram moments:


Nicole Richie's 10 best Instagram moments

The time you ate burger and chips with a weird mask on...1 of 16

The time you ate burger and chips with a weird mask on...

When you dressed up like a cute cat...2 of 16

When you dressed up like a cute cat...

When you celebrated, with a throwback picture, Sparrow James Midnight Madden's birthday...3 of 16

When you celebrated, with a throwback picture, Sparrow James Midnight Madden's birthday...

When you made fashion "gangsta"...4 of 16

When you made fashion "gangsta"...

That time you made some camel friends in Dubai...5 of 16

That time you made some camel friends in Dubai...

When you and your dad, Lionel, did this...6 of 16

When you and your dad, Lionel, did this...

When you had a girls night out with KATE-FRICKING-HUDSON...7 of 16

When you had a girls night out with KATE-FRICKING-HUDSON...

When you also gave us this #throwback - which we're oh-so grateful for...8 of 16

When you also gave us this #throwback - which we're oh-so grateful for...

Yay. Matching swimsuits...9 of 16

Yay. Matching swimsuits...

This time last year you shared this - Your head on Jason Derulo's body...10 of 16

This time last year you shared this - Your head on Jason Derulo's body...

When you posed with a bird...11 of 16

When you posed with a bird...

Your Hair-raising selfie... #YouWokeUpLikeThat12 of 16

Your Hair-raising selfie... #YouWokeUpLikeThat

#SquadGoals13 of 16


Your lovely, lovely, selfie with your hubby...14 of 16

Your lovely, lovely, selfie with your hubby...

THIS Britney hug is everything!15 of 16

THIS Britney hug is everything!

And finally, your 1985 #throwback of yourself. Uber cute.16 of 16

And finally, your 1985 #throwback of yourself. Uber cute.

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