Dry January is over. Here’s how to open a bottle of wine with your shoe.

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how to open wine with your shoe

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Dry January is nearly over, so it's time to celebrate by drowning in a moderate amount of wine, because we at heat would like to recommend moderation in all things. And don't even know what wine is. Cough.

But back to Wet February - what happens when, upon going to open said bottle of wine, you've sworn off alcohol for so long, you've totally lost your bottle opener? Could happen.

Thankfully, YouTube is a gold mine of helpful hints and tips to save you in your time of need. Because this really is a time of need.

Firstly, here's how to open a wine bottle with a key - probably the coolest and most socially acceptable of the ways (see below: how to open wine with your shoe).

Best try this alone in your house first before confidently telling everyone you know how to do it, then stabbing yourself with your own house keys.

Alternatively, why not try the more left-field approach of using a shoe? Not as slick, but way more impressive if you can pull it off. Bonus points if you use someone else's shoe.

Here are some charming, potentially drunk, French people showing you how to shoe a wine bottle:

And if neither of these work, try rummaging around in That Drawer. You know the one, it's got a picture hook in it, some pins, a pair of pliers, and a now-defunct book token from your nan in 2005.

This video shows you how to open wine with all of that tat and more (not the book token from 2005, that would require the help of an actual wizard):

As always, take a lot of care when handling glass and try to go easy on the Pinot - after a month of teetotalism, the alcohol is going to be a shock to the system. And nobody wants broken glass in their shoe.


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