Ed Sheeran makes a startling admission re the Princess Beatrice incident

After the face cutting sword knighting fiasco

Ed Sheeran

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Princess Beatrice slicing Ed Sheeran's face with a sword while trying to knight James Blunt will forever go down in history as one of the most questionable news stories that has ever been.

There are just so many ridiculous elements to it, we can't deal.

And Ed Sheeran has admitted that there's yet another bizarre component to the story, as he's said he didn't even know who Princess Beatrice was before they met at the party in 2011.

He said, according to The Sun: "I was chatting all night to this girl, telling her about my home and telling her about my family. Then in the morning I found out who she was.

princess beatrice and eugenie

"So I made friends with her from her just being nice. That’s like six years ago. So then we kept in touch.

"They are really, really sweet girls, I really like that family."


In other Ed Sheeran news (there's a lot of that knocking about at the mo), he's revealed that he's never fought with his girlfriend Cherry Seaborn have never had an argument.

ed sheeran cherry

Ed also added to The Sun: "She worked on Wall Street in America then she got her job transferred to London in the same office in the same job. We have spent every day together. Weirdly enough, when I went to Japan two sees ago that was the first time I have been apart from her.

"I haven’t been in the bad books, to be honest!"


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