Ellie Goulding forced to cancel shows due to exhaustion

The singer's hectic schedule has taken its toll

Ellie Goulding

by Laura Donaldson |
Published on

Ellie Goulding has been forced to cancel some performances after being diagnosed with exhaustion.

The 29-year-old star’s hectic schedule seems to have taken its toll and the singer has been advised by doctors to cancel two shows this weekend or risk losing her voice for good.

Ellie revealed: "I've had to cancel some festivals this weekend because of exhaustion.

"I've done nearly 100 shows this year and my doctor has said if I do this weekend my voice might not bounce back from it. They did a bunch of tests on me and I have been diagnosed with exhaustion."

She insisted she would only have cancelled her shows if there was no alternative and is determined to bounce back for the rest of 2016.

Ellie told the London Evening Standard newspaper: "I'm a hard worker. I don't cancel anything unless I really need to, but my doctor said, 'Ellie, your voice is going to burn out'. Glastonbury was the point where I realised I was pretty exhausted.

"It's all good though - I'm feeling really positive about the rest of the year."

Ellie's next performance is scheduled for July 31 in Chicago and after that she’s off to New Zealand and Australia in September and October as part of her world tour.

Feel better soon Ellie!

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