Peter Andre’s wife Emily MacDonagh announces HUGE TV role

Congrats, Emily!

emily macdonagh

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Emily MacDonagh has announced she's landed her first TV gig - and it's pretty ruddy impressive.

She's going to step in for Dr Hilary on Lorraine today, and Peter announced the happy news on Instagram.

He wrote: So proud of my Emily who will be stepping in for Dr Hilary tomorrow morning on @itvlorraine @lorrainekellysmith Tune in 😀😀�".

Emily and Peter
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Fans were quick to offer their congratulations to Emily, with one writing: "Yay good for her she do well too good luck lady x".

Another added: "You have done very well Peter Andre, finally found yourself a beautiful lady with brains. You both look great and deserve all the happiness in the world. Go Dr Ems, i will be watching."

A third said they'd long expressed hope Emily would get a TV job: "When she was being interviewed by Lorraine a few months ago I thought then how lovely she was and how perfect she would be for t.v..will definitely watch must be proud...brilliant."

Emily was interviewed by Lorraine in September, but spoke about suffering nerves at the time.

emily macdonagh
©© ITV

She said: "I really enjoyed it but, because I was so nervous, I’m not sure you’ll see me on live TV again any time soon. Usually when Pete and I do something together everyone is interested in him, so I can hide in the background!

"I feel really proud to have done something out of my comfort zone though, especially as I’m quite a shy person.

"When I think back to a few years ago I never would have done something like that!"

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