Emma Watson reveals why she turned down La La Land

No, she wasn't kicked off the film, like everyone has been saying

emma watson

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

When rumours started to fly that lovely, ass-kicking, looks-a-bit-like-a-beautiful-cat Emma Watson had been kicked off La La Land for being a big diva, we didn't believe them.

Or rather, we really didn't want to believe them.

Turns out, heatworld's gut reaction was the right one - Emma has spoken out against the rumour mill, explaining - In an interview with Sirius XM's Town Hall- the real reasons she couldn't do that little movie that nobody really heard about. And it's, as you'd imagine, all to do with scheduling, and the sheer amount of work that goes into doing a movie where you have to sing and dance a lot of the time. Which is tricky to fit in when you're already signed on to do a live action version of Beauty and The Beast.

"It's one of these frustrating things where names get attached to projects very early on as a way to kind of build anticipation or excitement for something that's coming before anything is really actually agreed or set in stone," she said.

"It wasn't a movie I could just sort of step into," she explained. "I knew I had horse training, I knew I had dancing, I knew I had three months of singing ahead of me and I knew I had to be in London to really do that."

"This wasn't a movie I could just kind of parachute into. I knew I had to do the work, and I had to be where I had to be. So, you know, scheduling conflict-wise, it just didn't work out."

Well that's a relief. Not that she wasn't in La La Land, that would have been a delight, but that she wasn't thrown off for being annoying and diva-ish.

This is the umpteenth time this year poor Emma has been misunderstood - firstly, she had the gall to show off a large part of her boobs while still maintaining she was a feminist (because we all know you can't be a feminist and have breasts). Secondly, there was that time a few weeks back where she had to clarify comments she made about Beyonce in an interview back in 2014 that were taken completely out of context.

"As I was watching [the videos] I felt very conflicted, I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that on the one hand she is putting herself in a category of a feminist, but then the camera, it felt very male, such a male voyeuristic experience of her."

Several people on Twitter have condemned Emma for her seeming hypocrisy on this issue, to which Emma replied:

Seems like she's constantly having to defend herself. Good job she's so bloody good at it.


[Listen to Emma Watson sing in Beauty and the Beast!


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