It seems like a million years ago that Emma Watson played that frizzy haired know-it-all in the Harry Potter franchise. Since then, the 25-year-old actress (who really does know it all) has launched the #HeForShe movement and become Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women.
Last year, Watson delivered a powerful speech about gender equality at the United Nations last year but has now revealed that she was ‘terrified’ the night before giving the talk at the UN’s New York headquarters.
Talking to Vogue magazine, the actress said: "I was in my hotel room, thinking, I can’t do this,
"I was just terrified. And then I Skyped a friend who said, 'Go through it again and ask yourself, if you were hit by a bus tomorrow, would you be comfortable with every single line?'"
When asked whether acting comes naturally, the* Beauty and the Beast* star replied: "I tend to turn in on myself, I feel like an imposter."
Read the full interview in September issue of Vogue.