Remember in Sex and the City when Miranda fell in love with a rude man dressed as a sandwich? And the guy Charlotte sleeps with who has, erm, climax tourettes? And when Jack Berger breaks up with Carrie via post-it note? And the Weight Watchers guys Miranda sleeps with who... we can't even write it, it makes us cringe so much.
Apparently it's all true. According to a recent interview with Cynthia Nixon, every plotline in SATC happened to an actual person.
"A lot of what you see on television is artificial," the actress said.
"But so much of the time, what really succeeds is the 'realer' it is and it can be dressed up in a lot of a different ways.
"And that's one of the Sex and the City things – every plot-line that happened literally happened to someone in the writer's room, or happened to someone they directly knew.
"So even though some of them were fantastical and absurd, it was based on a real thing."
Well some of the stuff Samantha gets up to has certainly made us feel fairly mundane. Although, if we're honest, do we want to be broken up with via post-it? Absolutely not.
Our heart goes out to the poor woman who suffered this indignity.
Or, at least, Sarah Jessica Parker thinks it might happen...
There are some spooky similarities!
Things are getting pretty real.