Everyone’s slagging off Ryan Reynolds for holding his baby daughter like THIS

Loads of people think Ryan's put little James in danger

Ryan Reynolds

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Good old internet, eh? Where would we be without the constant faux outrage, the international indignation and daily cycles of fails, photoshop scams and Twitter spats? Back in the 1980s reading books and listening to our Walkman, probs.

But anyway, everyone's gone and got really worked up over this picture Blake Lively posted of her husband Ryan Reynolds holding their baby daughter James.

"Happy Fathers Day!!! ...@vancityreynolds Since the day our baby was born, I've felt so strongly in my heart that you were most likely the father. #ILoveYouSoMuchItsSilly," she captioned the photo.

Her followers started pointing out that the six-month-old child looked 'uncomfortable' - presumably from the position of her feet - and before long, all the naysayers were piling on to basically accuse Ryan of putting his baby at risk.

"Babies aren't meant to hang perfectly straight with legs dangling, as this position puts them at risk for developing hip dysplasia," said one.

"Ideally, the baby should be in a frog-like stance, with knees bent above her butt and – if in a carrier – her legs at your sides."

Another commenter said James looks "uncomfortable and unsafe", and asked "hot hubby" to "read the instruction manual".

Sigh. Go home internet, you've had enough for today.

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