Although we're only 17 days into 2017 the live-action Beauty and the Beast is already the highlight of our year (and the main reason we get up every morning).

So far we’ve gotten a glimpse at Emma Watson singing, a new Belle doll which bears a striking resemblance to Justin Bieber and there was that whole dramz when people started complaining that the Beast wasn’t hot enough in the teaser trailer.
Dan Stevens is forever gorgeous to us even with a bit of fur.
But now it’s Ewan McGregor, who is playing everyone’s favourite candelabra, making headlines for having a Mexican sounding French accent instead of well er, a French one.
Sacré bleu!
Now we know what you’re thinking, his wife for over 20 years is French surely he would have picked up a thing or two?
But director Bill Condon told Total Film about Ewan’s struggle in their latest issue, admitting that it was so bad the Scottish actor had to re-record all his vocals after working with a voice coach.
This isn’t the first we’ve heard of his accent blues, back in 2015 he told The Graham Norton Show: "I got there and I couldn't at all. They didn't want the French ‘rrr’ so when you take that out it sounds Mexican."
Don’t worry according to Bill he nailed it in the end and produced a: "flawless, beautiful French accent," that can be heard in the official trailer.
"Look at her," he instructs the Beast, "What if she is the one? The one who'll break the spell."
Sounds très bon to us, Ewan!