Ex On the Beach’s Olivia Walsh gets together with another reality star and we are NOT happy about it

Oh, Olivia love.

Olivia Walsh

by Georgina Terry |
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We've spied some pictures of* Ex On The Beach'*s Olivia Walsh getting very close to another reality TV star and they have made us a bit sad face.

The man in question is…. (wait for it) James Moore.

That's right. Her ex.

The one who she claimed brought other women back to the house they shared when they were still together.

And who flaunted his relationship with Scotty T's ex Ashleigh DeftyRIGHT IN HER FACE during Ex On The Beach 4. Although, TBF, that was kind of the point of the show.

To clear up any 'maybe they've just buried the hatchet and are friends like two functioning adults now' confusion, here is a video of them kissing with tongues.

And Olivia captioned a pap shot of them on her Instagram account saying: "Been through a lot us 2."

We are honestly surprised to see these two back together again.

Although it's no surprise things didn't work out between Asleigh and James. Everything gets a bit weird when one of your exes has given the other one's ex a blowjob on national TV (Olivia and Scotty T – keep up).

Olivia Walsh returns in Ex On The Beach 5 alongside Gary Beadle and Jemma Lucy.

On the first night, Gaz and Jemma did the lying down dance together, despite him being sort of together with Charlotte Crosby.

And it was during filming that Charlotte revealed to Gary the details of her ectopic pregnancy.

*Ex On The Beach 5 is back later this summer. *

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