Find out why Kris Jenner tells Perez Hilton ‘f*** off’ after Bruce Jenner interview

Kris tells Perez to f*** off after her alleged 'no comment' on Bruce Jenner's transition into a woman.


by Maria Vallahis |
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Perez Hilton tried to call out Kris Jenner claiming that her publicity team refused to make a comment on Bruce Jenner’s revealing interviewing about his transition into a woman.

Let's break down some of the beef for you...

Not long after the ABC News interview – which revealed that Kris was allegedly the only one of Bruce’s ex-wives to issue a ‘no comment’ about his transition – did Perez tweet: “Kris Jenner has no comment for ABC news and the #BruceJenner interview. His other two ex-wives give supportive statements.”

Then he said: “Kris Jenner is negotiating her very own tell-all interview as we speak - to the highest bidder! Or so I think.”

To which a badass Kris responded: “@PerezHilton fuck you Perez no one asked me to comment ....and I'm sitting with Bruce now watching this show so let's keep it real...LOL....”

Perez's tweets - he also retweeted Kris' tweet telling him to 'f*** off

Later – after retweeting Kris’ reply tweet – he said: “ABC says they sent an email to Kris Jenner's publicity team more than once. They called and said "no comment." To end Perez’s Twitter rant he posted this (which says it all really)…

But it seems momager Kris shut Perez up with her only tweet about Bruce, when she posted: “Not only was I able to call him my husband for 25 years and father of my children, I am now able to call him my hero.”

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