The Game claims he’s slept with three Kardashians

Yeah… OK, hun.

The Game

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

If we were going to lie and say we’d slept with a celebrity, we’d probably go for someone relatively low profile like one of the early Geordie Shore guys or Ricky Norwood from Celebrity Big Brother.

This is because people would be far more inclined to believe us than if we said THREE of literally the most famous people in the world.


But this is a suggestion rapper The Game failed to take on board, as he’s made the outlandish claim he’s slept with three of the Kardashian sisters.

The Game

In his new track Sauce (feat DJ Khaled), he said: “I used to f_ck bitches that Usher Raymond passed off / Then I f_cked three Kardashians - hold that thought.”

Romantic <3.

Khloe and Kim Kardashian have both in the past been linked to the rapper, though he dismissed claims he’d dated Khloe while appearing on BBC Radio1Extra at the time.

He said: “Those are just rumours. It’s funny man ‘cause me and Khloe we’re cool.

"People don't know, but I've been knowing Khloe for 12 years - you know what I'm saying? I went and dated Kim for a while. A little short while. Me and Khloe are cool."


If his new claims are true (they aren’t), we think we’d place our money on Kris Jenner rather than Kourtney Kardashian…

Meanwhile, Kim revealed last week that she’s imminently releasing a BRAND. NEW. NAKED. SELFIE (we’re guessing The Game will be pleased).

Speaking at the #BlogHer16 conference, she said: "Have I posted a nude selfie since I lost all my baby weight? I don't think so. Get ready."

Oh, Kim, you're SUCH a tease.

She continued: “[I post nude selfies] because I feel good about myself){href='(' }. You can just get so caught up in not wanting to be motivated, so I made it a really important thing for my confidence and for me to feel good.”

We wonder what the theme will be this time…

If you'd like to learn more about each and every naked selfie Kim's ever done (which would be kinda weird, but each to their own), you can view our collection here. The Game, this one’s for you….

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