Gary Beadle is styling himself as a CAREERS EXPERT

Oh, blimey

gaz beadle

by Georgina Terry |
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There's many things we'd call Geordie Shore's Gary Beadle, some of them are even printable, but careers expert is not one of them.

Until now.

Gaz has been offering some words of comfort and advice to students who got their GCSE results last week.

Guess Gaz's name was often down in the school late book, then.

But is Gaz's advice good? He has, by his own admission, a staff of 65 working in his various businesses and he's built himself up from being on the dole to helping a not inconsiderable amount of people pay their mortgages, etc.

But frankly, no. Gaz's advice is pretty terrible.

"The thickest kid in my class got straight Fs, like if you found thick in the dictionary this kid would be next to it, with a lollipop up his nostril and hands down his pants," Gaz claims.

Gary Beadle

"Today this same kid has 20 staff and one of the biggest building apprentice companies in Newcastle, sitting on a healthy couple of mil," he wrote in his column for the *Daily Star *online.

"Compare this to the two most intelligent people in my year, the lad was a f*cking boffin, up there with Dexters Lab, he was probably wanking over Pythagoras’ theorem on the weekend he was so clever."

Because nothing is more sexy than a sexual triangle. Hang on…

"Well, this brainbox served me my popcorn at Cineworld last week."

So… One just shouldn't bother? Sweet words, Gaz.

Gaz Beadle

Although, TO BE FAIR, he then goes on to say that work ethic is the most important thing. One that, presumably, the lad with a lolly up his nose and his hands down his pants found after spectacularly failing his GCSEs.

Side-point: Scotty T got an A* in maths and an A* in physics before going on to study marine engineering at Newcastle uni. Just saying.


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