Gaz Beadle was held overnight in a DEPORTATION CENTRE in Australia

Oh lawd

gaz beadle

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Gary Beadle had his very own Banged Up Brits Abroad nightmare after being held overnight in a DEPORTATION centre when he was trying to go to New Zealand with Marty McKenna.

Like, seriously.

After being originally told he couldn't fly from Australia because they couldn't find his VISA, he flew there the next day after Marty and his manager when the authorities managed to locate his visa.

He then was told he wouldn't be allowed into the country after waiting at Queenstown airport for SEVEN HOURS.

Seriously, we feel knackered just thinking about this ordeal.

Gary Beadle
©Getty images

Gaz wrote in his Daily Star column: "To be fair, they had previously told me not to come back to New Zealand with my battered passport (which I didn't get changed), so I guess me and the team are to blame there."

After a lot of argy bargy at customs, he ended up flown back to Melbourne and being taken to, in Gaz's words: "A f*cking deportation centre. Not a jail cell, not a holding cell, a deportation centre."

He THEN SPENT THE NIGHT THERE after being given a bin bag full of bedding to sleep in.

"Mohammed, my cellmate, went on to explain that I had 25 points to spend per day, f*cking buzzing, so I went in… Snickers, tins of tuna, Powerade, Haribo, and cigarettes (for Mohammed)."

But luckily for Gaz, his time in the centre was short lived. His "team" were apparently working their socks off to try and find him a way to get home – he was unable to fly through NZ, Dubai, America, Abu Dhabi or Australia.

But they finally secured him a flight through Thailand, and he was carted onto the plane by immigration officials.

Despite his ordeal, he found it in himself make a wonderful gesture / promote his clothing line.

"Mohammed, thinking of you bro, a care package from my 11 Degrees clothing brand is on the way."

Sounds like a pretty traumatic experience, huh?

Apparently Aaron Chalmers didn't think so, tweeting: "F*ck me!!! Hahaha just pissed myself @GazGShore."

aaron chalmers

Such a good friend.

Read more: Gaz Beadle apparently shagged most of the Ex On The Beach girls

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