Has Gemma Collins moved on from Arg with her cheating ex?

They've been spotted partying together

Gemma Collins LS

by heatworld |
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In last night's The Only Way is Essex, it looked like Gemma Collins and James Argent finally put an end to their on-off, will they, won't they relationship.

Poor Gem shed a few tears and we for one were pretty raging at Arg for breaking our girl's heart.

Like, ffs, don't sneak into her room at night and then tell her you don't want to lead her on...

(We've all been there!)

But it looks like it hasn't taken her long to move on, as she's been spotted partying with her ex, Stephen Mortimer in a nightclub in Kent.

The couple dated for six months back in 2015, but things turned sour after she caught him cheating.

Gem then broke down when talking about her relationship on Loose Women, and said: “I think people forget I’m just a ­normal girl and I have problems with my love life. Forget him.”

You can watch that interview here:

But there are other reasons that Gemma and Steve's rekindling might be cause for concern. He's previously served time in prison for burglary and grievous bodily harm.

A TV source told The Sun: “Gemma is taking things slowly with Stephen.

“She has forgiven him for ­hurting her and they are hoping for a fresh start. They have a lot of fun together, a strong connection, and she really enjoys his company and he makes her laugh.

“It’s easy for them to spend time together. She’s keen to settle down and have kids and she hopes Stephen could be the answer.”

Steve isn't the only of Gemma's ex's that has a violent past.

She also dated another jailbird, Alex Moss, who was arrested for allegedly assaulting her before she flew into theI'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of HereI'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Herejungle.

Yup, her love life has been turbulent, to say the least.

We hope things work out for you this time, Gem!

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