Is Gemma Collins set for a TOWIE comeback?

The diva *might* be back


by Ellen Kerry |
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As one of the loudest personalities on the show, when it was announced that Gemma Collins had been suspended from TOWIE we have to admit we felt a bit sad. Who would be there to keep other wannabe divas in their place? Where would we find out all of the new, whacky healing tricks?

Thankfully, our prayers-slash-medium requests may have been answered because, if this tweet is anything to go by, GC might be BACK.

Gem was suspending mid-June after having a run-in with fellow TOWIE cast member Vaz Morgan. According to reports Gemma told the cast and crew she too big for the show before chucking a glass of champs around. Wasted champagne? She must’ve been mad! After storming out Gemma then ran into Vas and had a whopper of a row, which resulted in Collins being suspended.

All of that seems to be water under Chelmsford Bridge now, though.

Today the original diva tweeted that she was off to enjoy a spot of late night filming with her old Essex buddies!

Excited much? Us? Err YAH.

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