Gemma Collins, queen of Essex, has shared pictures of herself rocking a leopard print swimsuit and she looks phenomenal.
GC took to Snapchat to share the throwback pics, in which she appears to be make-up free and sporting wet hair.
The pictures are obviously throwbacks, and while Gemma didn't choose to share when the snaps were taken, she did have a message for her fans that kind of breaks our hearts.

"I look at all these pictures of myself, I cannot believe how slim I was, and I always thought that I was fat back then," she said.
Oh, Gem. We feel that.
The teen years we wasted worrying what we looked like and we look back now and think 'hang on – we looked amazing'.
Mind you, we'd probably have been insufferably if we realised it back then.

Look at Kylie Jenner and tell us that we're wrong.
ANYWAY, Gemma is thought to have signed up to the new series of ITV's Sugar Free Farm, which would be amazing.
If you missed series one you missed out and should go and watch it immediately.
Six celebrities are shoved together and live on a farm for two weeks without any sugar, including alcohol.
It sounds kind of rubbish when we put it like that but it was proper ace.

James 'Arg' Argent, Gemma's former squeeze was on the last one. He was really rubbish at it.
GC has posted about filming for a new series:
Maybe Sugar Free Farm is the one.
Or is her high-glam look more suited to the alleged new Gem and Jonathan Cheban show?
There's also the fitness DVD she's pledged to lose four stone for. So many TV possibilities!
We're still not giving up on a fulltime GC return to TOWIE, mind. We will never give up.