General Election Manwatch Special: Hot politicians!

No political bias here, just straight-up appreciation of the hard-working (and hot) candidates of #GE2015

hot politicians collage

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

It’s election day! But with one in four of us still not sure which way to vote, we thought we’d help out by giving you a blow-by-blow account of the most important political issue of the day: the hotness of the male candidates.

That’s a joke, obvs. It’s WAY more important to establish what they stand for and how they’d act as your local MP. Buuuut… let’s face it, there’re fairly few politicians in Parliament who’d end up as heat’s Torso Of The Week.

So here are the political candidates who ARE easy on the eye. We wouldn’t mind eyeing up THEIR ballot box, fnar fnar fnar etc etc.

Also, Rick Edwards says GO AND VOTE, so make sure you do today.


General Election Manwatch special - hottest male politicians

Chuka Umunna, Labour1 of 13

Chuka Umunna, Labour

Constituency: StreathamChuka, 36, 'keeps it real' by taking selfies with the general public and has been tipped as a future Labour leader.

Tristram Hunt, Labour2 of 13

Tristram Hunt, Labour

Constituency: Stoke-On-TrentTrunt (geddit?) did drama at Cambridge Uni with them two funny ones off the telly, Daid Mitchell and Robert Webb.

Christopher Bertenshaw, Green3 of 13

Christopher Bertenshaw, Green

Constituency: Worsley and Eccles SouthChris is passionate about the environment but loves "dirty engines". Crikey.

Ben Manton, Conservative4 of 13

Ben Manton, Conservative

Constituency: Belfast South Irish Ben is a waiter by day, political mastermind by night.

Frederick Van Mierlo, Liberal Democrats5 of 13

Frederick Van Mierlo, Liberal Democrats

Constituency: FlydeFreddie (as his mates call him), is a big fan of pub lunches, plays rugby and is fluent in French. Je m'appelle fancy.

James Bird, Conservative6 of 13

James Bird, Conservative

Constituency: Birmingham Hall GreenJames was the driving force behind a new local skate park, so we'd quite like him to try a 360 in front of us, please.

Joe Beltcher, Green7 of 13

Joe Beltcher, Green

Constituency: ErdingtonHot hippy Joe has worked as a lifeguard, sports coach and a charity worker – so no-one can accuse him of not knowing about the REAL world before standing for election.

Joel Mason, Liberal Democrat8 of 13

Joel Mason, Liberal Democrat

Constituency: ExeterBaby-faced Joel is just 22, so he's currently juggling uni with canvassing. He's packed a lot into his life already though, having lived in France AND South Africa. Nice.

Sam Gyimah, Conservative9 of 13

Sam Gyimah, Conservative

Constituency: East SurreySam is Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and the Department of Education, studied at Oxford AND is a keen Arsenal supporter.

Chris Kelly, Conservative10 of 13

Chris Kelly, Conservative

Constituency: Dudley SouthChris became an MP at the last election, having put a bet on with his politician mate Justin Tomlinson that one of them would become Prime Minister before 2038 while they were still at uni. Sadly, Chris is stepping down after a single term – otherwise he could have scooped £500,000 if he'd won that bet.

Anas Sarwar, Labour11 of 13

Anas Sarwar, Labour

Constituency: Glasgow CentralAnas's dad was the first ever Muslim MP in the UK, so politics obvs runs in the family. Anas was elected deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party but resigned last year to be named Shadow Minister of State for International Development.

Tom McNeil, Labour12 of 13

Tom McNeil, Labour

Constituency: MeridenBeardy Tom is an ardent supporter of Amnesty International AND a practising lawyer. A busy bee, then.

Oliver Coppard, Labour13 of 13

Oliver Coppard, Labour

Constituency: Sheffield Hallam Going up against Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg is Oliver, who describes himself as an "Arsenal fan, northerner, aspiring social innovator/chef/photographer". Sounds talented.

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