Geordie Shore newbie Chantelle Connelly – everything you need to know

Prepare for the chaos

Chantelle Connolly

by Jadie Troy-Pryde |
Published on

The Geordie gang is expanding and their latest addition is no wallflower.

Chantelle Connelly is the new lass in Toon and will be joining the Geordie Shore cast to shout "WYE AYE" at 10pm on Tuesday evenings.

She might look like a girly girl but don’t be fooled – she’s super feisty and ready to shake things up during the 12th season. She’s already called Nathan Henry a "little b*tch". Yikes.

Here’s everything you need to know …

What age is Chantelle Connelly?

At the time of writing she is 26 years old.

Is Chantelle Connelly single?

She sure is. The Geordie gal has been single for around two years now, and it seems she has no plans to get settled anytime soon.

Does Chantelle Connelly have a Twitter account?

Yes, and if you scroll back far enough you’ll find her posing for Zoo and Sunday Sport, and asking people to "rate her ass". Nice. @ChantelleGShore

Does Chantelle Connelly have an Instagram account?

Yes. She’s anything but shy (see above), so expect lots of half-naked selfies of her banging bod at @Chantellegshore

Does Chantelle Connelly have a Snapchat?

Of course. Follow her on: chantellecon

Is there anything else I need to know about Chantelle Connelly?

She loves a cheeky spiced rum, she takes pictures of her bum, and her favourite film is Pretty Wom…an.

And Aaron Chalmers got her name tattooed on his wrist on their first date. Blimey.

Geordie Shore returns to MTV on 15 March at 10pm.

Ex On The Beach's cheeky chappy Marty McKenna is also joining the cast.

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