Geordie Shore’s Charlotte Crosby and Gary ‘Gaz’ Beadle are CONFIRMED for Ex On The Beach 2!

MTV, we *know* what you’re doing

Charlotte Crosby Gaz Beadle

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

We’re currently very excited over a SLIGHTLY AMAZING piece of reality TV news that’s just come to light.

Charlotte Crosby and Gary 'Gaz' Beadle off Geordie Shore are going on series two of Ex On The Beach; MTV’s super-evil beach-based romantic reality show. GAH!

Last series saw all sorts of explosiveness from fellow Geordie Shore cast members Ricci Guarnaccio and Vicky Pattison, with the exes kicking off at each other in the beach paradise-turned-hell.

And the new series is looking extra, extra spicy now that are they/aren’t they couple Gaz and Char are joining the show. Who knew that Geordies and beaches went so well together?

Not least because Charlotte is currently looking incredible after dropping from size 16 to size 8.

(Now it totally makes sense as to why Charlotte’s gone all beach body on us – so she can pull on the show, OBVS.)

The show will see the pair – and a whole host of other glamorous, tanned types – confronted by their significant exes.

There will be loads of romance, though the, ahem, mahoosive question on our lips is IS CHARLOTTE GOING TO UNLEASH GAZ’S PARNSIP?

We’re also wondering just how much of said parsnip we’ll have thrust in our faces in itty-bitty shorts, too, obviously (and we know you are too).

We can’t wait.

Ex On The Beach airs January 27 at 10pm on MTV.

Here's another slinky Geordie for you...


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