You’ve GOT to see Gigi Hadid photobombing a French Vogue photoshoot at 5 years old

What were YOU doing when you were 5?

Gigi Hadid Victoria Secret

by heatworld |
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Sometimes being a celebrity must be weird. Instead of just coming across embarrassing pictures of themselves on Facebook and Instagram, they have to deal with the fact that their lives are literally on Google for the whole world to see.

Gigi Hadid discovered this the other day when she asked fans to send her an old picture from her childhood.

(We personally can't think of anything worse.)

But, then again, if we were hanging out at Vogue photoshoots when we were 5 years old, rather than, you know... playing with lego, then maybe we'd be slightly less bothered about what photos surfaced of us.

Yup, apparently Gigi photobombed an ACTUAL French Vogue photoshoot when she was a 5 year old child and made it into the magazine.

You couldn't make that up.

Speaking to her fans on Twitter, she wrote: "SOS! Looking for that photo of me when I'm really young (5 maybe?) when I got caught in a French vogue photoshoot .. any1 have it?'

Of course, it took fans literally 30 seconds to source the pic and send it over to her.


Of course, once you encourage people to start Googling old pictures of you there is only going to be one outcome.

Fans then began sending her loads more ADORBZ childhood pics of herself.

We're glad we don't have fans sending us pics of us playing with lego and stuff, tbh.

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