Brits love a ridiculous abbreviation – previous notable examples being Cozzie Livs (cost of living crisis), and Platty Joobs (Platinum Jubilee). And as the political parties ramp up their efforts to secure our votes in this year’s Genny Lex (that’s general election for any head-scratchers), Bauer Media and Kiss FM have dropped new podcast The Turnout, hosted by influencer and Saving Grace’s GK Barry. Grace, 24, is setting out to overturn the statistic that only 50 per cent of young people head to the polling station by making the discussions simple, straightforward and funny. Sounds good…
Why are you the best person for The Turnout?
I don’t think I have any friends who vote, and it riles me up. They always say, “There’s no point, it doesn’t make a difference.” I am – and I feel like this confuses people – someone who’s always voted. My family has always instilled it in me, so I feel like I had a good place to start, as I knew what I was talking about. Where my whole thing is being relatable, I think people trust what I say and The Turnout is a place where I can educate.

How have you found switching from your Saving Grace podcast to the political field?
I was really nervous because on Saving Grace, I have reality TV stars and comedians, so I can really take the mick, and I know it’s going to be reciprocated. But when it comes to a subject that’s quite serious, I was a bit anxious that maybe I could come across the wrong way. But I’ve found politicians are also humans, so they can also have a joke.
You’ve said you loosen things up by having a drink with the guest. Is that happening this time?
No one has said yes to a vodka cranberry yet. I think Keir Starmer would fold if I did offer him one. But we will see. I’ve had to be sober throughout.
How did you prepare for these chats – are you taking a no-holds- barred approach?
KISS have been really helpful by giving me so much background on everyone that I interview. I have to go in very neutral, but if the guest says something that I feel is a blag of an answer, or a very political way of answering, I will say, “You need to do that in simpler terms, because no one my age is going to have a clue what you’ve just said if they’re not into politics.” I think they quite like it because it maybe makes them sweat a bit.
How easy have you found it to stay neutral?
I’m being impartial, but on the inside, sometimes I just think, “That was crazy from you.” At the end of the day, it’s up to people to make up their own minds, because there’s absolutely no point in me doing this whole podcast and just telling people who to vote for, because it just defeats the entire point. But sometimes in my head, I think, “I hope people are receiving this the same way I’ve just received that.”
Will you be bringing politics to Saving Grace?
Saving Grace is very fun and light-hearted. But I just interviewed Alastair Campbell for The Turnout, and he is actually hilarious. He didn’t know how to take me at the beginning. Some of the things I was saying, I could see he was taken aback. But towards the end, he lightened up and he was giving it back to me. I was like, “This is a great podcast guest!” I think political people may be on the Saving Grace podcast in the future, but they will be forced to have a vodka cranberry.