You will be shocked at how GROWN-UP Eminem’s daughter Hailie looks now

Hallie mathers

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Are we getting old? This is a worry that prickles over our skin on a Tuesday evening after Urban Dictionary-ing something hip that we heard on the telly. There are cooler slang words than 'lit' and 'on fleek' now apparently. Who knew.

Then our friends are beginning to settle down with actual grown-up partners and are saying ridiculous things like 'I'm going to have to decline this Jaeger bomb, because I am saving to buy a house.'

The next thing to make us push our luck to see if we can blag ourselves a pension and free bus ticket is Eminem's daughter Hailie Scott Mathers who has just turned 21 - and looks like an actual adult.

Hallie Mathers


She looks amazing, right?!

Hallie Mathers

According to Elite Daily, Hallie was Homecoming Queen at her Highschool, which we guess is a big deal. Like being best dressed at Prom? We wonder if she split her tiara in bits like Kady Heron?

hallie scott mathers looks completely different

Hailie credited her parents for all their support in her yearbook and wrote:

'My mother and father are because they have pushed me to be the person I am and have given me all the support to achieve what I have.'


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