Er, Kim Kardashian, who is that weird alien creeping up behind you?
Kim posted this photo of herself, her boobs, and some blokes at a party, and we noticed that some kind of cyborg seem to be approaching Kim from behind ahem.
And she looks totally unawares, too. Maybe the alien has changed its settings so it only shows up in photos AFTER Kim posts them.
We think it’s assuming the form of Kanye West while on Earth but it’s not got it quite right because a) Kanye doesn’t ever smile and b) this photo just looks OFF.
It just doesn’t look quite like Kanye. It’s not just us thinking this, right?
Upon further research we found out that the guy in the middle of the photo that Kim was hanging out with is Elon Musk – the founder of Space X, a company who make all sorts of spacey things, like rockets.
Yep, that’s definitely an alien who hitched a ride on the back of a rocket, and not actual Kanye West, who we reckon was at home drinking cocoa when this photo was actually taken.