Here’s Jennifer Lawrence pretending to be a walrus using chopsticks as tusks, NBD

Just when we thought it was impossible to love this woman any more

by Emmeline Saunders |
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Yo, so you know when your significant other does something dorky and you just roll your eyes and think, ‘wow, this is what I’ve signed up for. This, right here, this is happening’? Well Jennifer Lawrence has done something so amazingly dorky that we’re basically declaring ourselves single as of this moment so we’ve got more chance of attracting her.

Yeah, J-Law went out for dinner at Nobu in New York last night and, instead of shuffling in under a massive hat like so many other celebs do, went all-out to entertain the awaiting paparazzi.

On her way in she damn well danced up to the front door, with the look of a woman who’s REALLY excited about chowing down on some serious sushi.

And then when she was leaving, she only put a couple of chopsticks in her mouth and pretended to be a walrus.

Jen, listen : we’re totally single right now. Call us if you ever fancy doing this again – we’ll bring a fork and pretend to be a turkey if that swings it for you.

Jennifer Lawrence trips and falls over on the red carpet at the 2013 Oscars


Jennifer Lawrence trips and falls over on the red carpet at the 2013 Oscars

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