Quite literally the ENTIRE WORLD was rocked by yesterday's news that Holly Hagan had QUIT GEORDIE SHORE.

We'd heard it a few times before, but we actually think it might be true this time.
Meaning we're only left with GARY BEADLE of the original cast.
And his parsnip.

"Holly formally told producers she was off earlier this month," a show source told The Sun.
"She’s got her own projects to follow and there's a whole new cast that's come in and she's feeling that it's really time to move on
"Producers have asked her to reconsider but so far she’s stuck to her guns."
But it looks like Holly isn't particularly happy with those producers – as she's accused them of "barely feeding" her during filming.
Bloody hell.
Sidenote: aren't they always going on about how flabby they get during filming (check out this week's heat mag for more).
She's also accused them of using this tactic to cause fights.
While watching Ibiza Weekender (GREAT show, BTW), she tweeted: "Ibiza weekender when you know the producers have told Ellie to go in the girls room and chat to mug her off even more in the edit #ihatetv"
We absolutely, DO NOT approve of that hashtag, BTW.
Someone replied: @HollyGShore you mean reality TV isn't real?! Shocking reveal. Talk about biting off the hand that feeds you! You've made ## from reality TV."
Holly then hit back with: "ATheBean93 I'm allowed to have empathy for a situation I've been in. It's not nice to watch. P.s they barely feed us once a day if we beg."
The Geordie Shore cast BEGGING FOR FOOD?
That's a scenario we really cannot imagine.
heatworld reached out to MTV, who preferred not to comment.