Honey Boo Boo custody battle hits the rails – dad Sugar Bear will NOT fight Mama June for custody despite his ‘child molester’ concerns

The family have already lost their reality show, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.


by Emmeline Saunders |
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Honey Boo Boo’s dad Sugar Bear has indicated that he WON’T be fighting Mama June for custody of their child, despite him having grave concerns about the man June is said to be dating.

As heat reported earlier this week, a photo of June with convicted child molester Mark McDaniel recently emerged sparking a huge scandal in the States – and leading this week to the cancellation of the family’s reality show, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

But sources close to Sugar Bear – real name David Michael Thompson – have reportedly told TMZ that he will not pursue custody because he has no home to house his nine-year-old daughter.

According to TMZ, David “does not feel equipped” to take custody as he’s been living with a friend since separating from June earlier this summer.

But he’s still worried about his children’s proximity to McDaniel, and is thought to have been visiting the family home every day to check on the kids’ welfare.

Meanwhile, June released a video earlier this week stating that she had not been in contact with McDaniel – but eagle-eyed viewers quickly found a photograph of the criminal sitting next to Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson.

In a Facebook post published on Friday, June said: “I want to make a post trying to clear up the rumors remember you can't believe everything you read! Ppl sell stories to the tabloid everyday that r false! It isnt true i promise my kids r #1 priority over anything else and I would never put them in danger period over this or anything else they r my life this is my past I left him 10 yrs ago for it and I wouldn't go back.”

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