Hugo Taylor’s ex Natalie Joel breaks silence on Millie Mackintosh rumours: ‘I’m not surprised’

The ex-Made In Chelsea star told heat all about Hugo and Millie's relationship

millie mackintosh hugo taylor made in chelsea 2011

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Exes, huh? Who'd have 'em. Except if you're a member of the Made In Chelsea cast, in which case you must have at least 20 former flames wanting to get all up in your grill constantly.

And so to Millie Mackintosh and Hugo Taylor, who seem to be getting closer every day since news of their romantic reunion was broken by heat earlier this month.

In this week's heat mag, we speak to Hugo's ex Natalie Joel, who tells us she's definitely not surprised that Hugo and Millie seem to be rekindling the flame of lost love.

Natalie, who split from Hugo in December 2015, said the pair remained friends even after their breakup in 2011.

"Anything can happen, so [I'm] not really [surprised]. Everyone deserves a second chance," she pointed out.

"It happens – it's very easy to go back to exes, I've done it. It's comfort."

It comes after Hugo was caught flirting with Millie over Instagram – when she posted a snap of her bum in some ripped jeans, he left three rocket emojis in her comments section.

We KNOW. Three rocket emojis = LOVE, right?

millie mackintosh hugo taylor instagram

Unforch, Millie's off to Coachella festival now so she and Hugo will be parted for a few days – but maybe that's not such a bad thing?

Hugo's Made In Chelsea BFF, Spencer Matthews, also talked to heat this week, and said he was a but sus about the timing of Hugo and Millie's relationship.

"I'm surprised [at the speed] – it's happened quite quickly, hasn't it? But they seem comfortable. They're adults and they know what they're doing."

We hope so too, Spenny. At least there's no danger he'll be able to move in on Millie now she's got three rocket emojis from Hugo…

Read the full interview in this week's heat, out today.

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