Iggy Azalea compares blotchy face to Two-Face from Batman after she has a chemical peel

She said it, not us

Issy Azalea

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

Listen, Iggy said it – not us. She reckons that she looks like Two-Face out of Batman, post-chemical peel.

Iggy was pictured coming out of the Epione cosmetic surgery centre in Beverly Hills earlier this week with a blotchy red face. So all signs pointed to “cosmetic surgery”, including, er, the actual sign on the door.

Iggy later confirmed that she had a “laser skin peel thing” via Twitter.

Hey, at least she’s being jocular about it. Maybe Iggy should make like Samantha Jones off Sex And The City and hide under a veil for a few days after a chemical peel.

Iggy pre-scary peel

(Not to self, do not have a chemical peel when any form of photographer is nearby.)

In case you’re really young and haven’t seen Batman, Two-Face is an acid-scarred super villain type. Look, maybe he’s just really into chemical peels, too?


This is Two-Face

Iggy’s had a tough old week. First of all, she cancelled her North American tour, and then she was accused of making homophobic comments and axed from the Pittsburgh Pride event.

Like we said, Iggy – make like Samantha Jones and get yourself a veil, just for now.

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