Homes Under The Hammer star Martin Roberts has traded in homes altogether and has taken up a new hobby instead. It begins with B and ends with 'eing bloody annoying.'
He caused MASSIVE beef amongst the campers over the fact he wasn't eating beef for supper. Or any other food apart from rice or beans for that matter.
Remind yourself of this year's FANTASTIC I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here line up HERE.
Incase you missed it, the blue team and yellow team went head to head in 'The Hungry Games' during Friday's I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here and it was epic. Carol Vorderman and Lisa Snowden raced to drink a blended pig anus and looked like they were enjoying it way too much. Ffs.
The yellow team won and were a TAD boastful. Why not, eh, I mean one of the trials involved swilling fish guts around their gob. Let them have their moment.
Martin quite clearly HATES banter. Like really hates it. He pouted his lips, went really pink and told the yellow team that they weren’t being fair. You should have tried harder in the Hungry Games, Martin! Stop complaining.
The bad vibes made Scarlett Moffatt blub and wish she had her ‘Mam’ to phone. This made Joel very wisely say,’I hate it when water comes out of people's eyes due to sadness' SAME :/
But then the campmates went on to discuss why they think Martin is being stroppy. Then came the revelation. According to Scarlett, Martin has only eaten TWO mouthfuls of rice and beans in the last few days. Uh oh. Martin is HANGRY.
We can all relate to being hangry.
Scarlett then said, 'That's why he's starting arguments, because he's hungry. He only ate two mouthfuls of rice and beans, that's why he's so miserable.'
We saw on Friday's episode Martin leave his rice and beans because he didn't like it. It's not a crocodile penis. Grow up will ya.
Let's hope for the camp's sake, he gets some grub in him soon.
Watch I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! at 9pm on ITV